My dream is to make 2 crore Lakhpati Didis: Prime Minister

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, speaking from the ramparts of the Red Fort on the occasion of 77th Independence Day today, underlined the importance of women-led development and how it is essential to take the country forward. The PM recalled that India can proudly say today that it has the maximum number of woman pilots in the civil aviation sector. Women scientists are also leading the Chandrayaan Mission, added the PM.

The Prime Minister said that he has taken forward the issue of Women-Led Development at G20 and that the G20 countries have accepted it and are recognizing its importance.

Talking of ‘Nari Samman’, the Prime Minister shared an experience from one of his foreign visits, where a senior minister of that nation asked him whether the women in India study science and engineering. Prime Minister said that he replied that today in our country, girls outnumber boys in the pursuit of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and that the world today is looking at this capacity of ours.

“Today, India can proudly say that if any one country has the maximum number of women pilots in civil aviation in the world, then my country has them. Today, whether it is the speed of Chandrayaan, whether it is about the moon mission, my women-scientists are leading it. Today 10 crore women are involved in women self-help and if you go to village with women self-help group, you will find didi with bank, you will find didi with anganwadi, you will find didi who gives medicines and now my dream is to make 2 crore Lakhpati Didis (Women earning one lakh per year),” Prime Minister said.

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