India donates $2.5 million to UNRWA for Palestine Refugees

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees has welcomed India’s $2.5 million donation, saying that the generous contribution has come at a “difficult time” given the situation, especially in Gaza.

The contribution was handed over by the Representative of India (ROI) to Palestine, Renu Yadav, to the Director of Partnerships, Department of External Relations of UNRWA, Karim Amer.

Since its inception in 1950, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) carries out direct relief and work projects for registered Palestine refugees. Nearly all of its funding comes from voluntarily donations from UN members.

According to the Representative Office of India in Ramallah, India donated $2.5 million to UNRWA as part of its yearly contribution of $5 million for the fiscal year 2023–2024. This money will support the agency’s core programmes and services, which include relief, healthcare, education, and social services for Palestinian refugees.

The ROI underlined India’s continued support for the agency’s activities in the region and the services it provides to Palestinian refugees during the handover ceremony at UNRWA’s field office in Jerusalem, an official press release said.

Spokesperson for UNRWA, Tamara Alrifai, told PTI that the agency received a very generous contribution from India, which is most welcome during these difficult times and in the face of huge needs across the region, particularly in Gaza.

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