Art has a strong social connect. On one hand art is the most sublime expression of human’s deepest desires, thoughts and social experiences, on the other it can be a social-changemaker paving way towards betterment of society through a multitude of ways. One such endeavour to connect art and artists with the cause of cancer patients is the annual art exhibition and sale organised by the Cancer Patients Aid Association.
Artist Swati Pasari, along with several other prominent artists, is participating in 16th edition of the annual art exhibition in Mumbai. “This is my second year of participation. I am delighted to be part of this noble cause and look forward to contributing to the cause”, says the young artist from Kolkata.
Swati will be exhibiting sculptures from her Divine Collection. Her artworks are mostly painted in bright and vibrant hues which instantly radiate happiness and peace as she believes in spreading an aura of peace, happiness and most importantly positivity through her art.

“My works focus on the themes of spirituality, stillness and natural beauty. Without any pre-conceived thoughts, I let my emotions flow and somehow everything that I want to convey find their place on the canvas or the sculpture. I can never pin point when and how the painting will end, it is just an inner joy which I feel when my thoughts are translated on the art work and that is when I know my work is done”, says Swati. Her art brand, “Soulink” took shape in 2007. Today, all of 32 years, Swati has travelled across the world exhibiting her collection of artworks and sculptures.
They say that you have to be lost in order to be found. Every artist strives for inner peace, and art is only a method of finding inner wholesomeness.
Artist Swati Pasari
Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA) is a 50-year-old non-profit organisation. Colours of Life is Cancer Patients Aid Association’s annual art exhibition and sale of paintings and sculptures which raises funds especially for underprivileged children suffering from cancer. It was first held in 2005. Every year, Indian masters, eminent contemporary and emerging artists give their valuable works to the collection. This year the online exhibition ‘Colours of Life’ is happening from Sep 22, 2020 till October 10, 2020.